Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Assignment #10
1. I have never posted a video on Youtube or facebook.
2. The statistics did not suprise me I know that there is a lot of college kids who look at videos online and I actually have a lot of friends who use it for the music videos to play music of computer and also to watch funny videos, so I can see why the statistics are so high and they way they are.
3. I chose this video because I love this movie and it has to do with dance which was my life before college and this movie just shows how passionate they are for dancing and it brings back memories how I was and makes me miss dancing more and more.
4. You can search for videos on break.com or on google they have videos also and there are many more but those are two of the bigger ones.
5. You tube is a web 2.0 because you can do the same things like people can look at the stuff you put up and you can tag in both and you can write comments and post things, so they are the same type of application just formatted a little different.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Assignment #9
2. I thought that the wiki concept was something that I have never even heard of before and that it was interesting and made a lot of sense, I could see this concept being something that could help me to organize certain situations and ideas easily.
3. This would be a lot of help with a school project you could have everyone in your group make account then put all your ideas together and people in your group can add things or take things off as the please and it would be organized and kept in a safe spot for everyone to access.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Assignment #8
2. The main reason of using a collaboration tool is because everything is in one spot and its online and many people can use and add to it that you invite.
3. People are using this tool to organize information and easier to find and keep things on track.
4. I have never used a tool like this before in any way shape or form.
5. I could use this kind of tool when I have a school project and instead of having everyone email there findings and attatching them to one another we could just use google docs and everyone in group would be able to see and comment on each others works.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Assignment #7
2. I thought that they were all pretty easy to use but the one I liked and thought was the easiest was the podcast.com
3.No none of my teachers are using prodcasting for there lectures unfortunetly.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Assignment #6
2. These tools to me seem to be productivity enhancers, because you do not have to do much work at all the site does it for you and all you have to do is browse through all the results they found for you. Cuts your time in half if they have the information that you are looking for.
3. No, I have no had the chance to ready a story or item on any of these sites, that were posted to it.
4. To me delicious and these sites are about the same they have the same concept going on, you can save and bookmark things, and you can send them to your friends the only difference is that delicious you can do tags and the other sites you can not, but I would catergorize them both as something you can use in the future with many situations and a form of social networking that is expanding as we speak.
5. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/23/health/nutrition/23fitness.html?_r=1&ref=health&oref=slogin
Monday, October 20, 2008
Assignment #5

2. Unfortunetly I do not use any kind of form of photo sharing, I just load it on my computer and take it right off my camera.
3. Yes, I do upload to my face book account and I personally think they are about the same, except with flickr you can have them more private then the facebook acount. Facebook account anyone who wants can look at your photos even if they are not a friend of you but if there are a friend of yours. I personally like the facebook account way just cause I know most of the people on it.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Assignment #4
2. In my personal life I could also see my self using this tool for instance for school things and for if I ever want to go on a trip I could use it to keep all my information organized so I do not misplace it.
3. The benefits of social bookmarking are that it is something that anyone can use, its very easy and can be used for many different things and it keeps everything organized, and its very easy to find.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Assignment #3
2. Yes, I think that I woul be able to use this technology in school and my personal life cause if I need information on reasearch or something can subscribe to a news website and I could also use to in my personal life for instance on different events and fun things that go on and the weather it will keep me updated without me having to take the time to figure out where to look.
3. The tool that I found the easiest to use was the blogline's search tool, it was easy and self explanitory some of the others were a little confusing.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Assignment #2
1. By having to use this more and more for each class assignment I am getting more used to the way that Web 2.0 is set up. I think that I have the basics down, but the video and the article have helped me unserstand more what Web 2.0 is all about and how it functions.
2. Web 2.0 is something that is used world wide, it is away for people to communicate all across the world. Web 2.0 as a term is described as the changing trends because it can be used through out the world to communicate and share information.
3. I think that Web 2.0 is a radical departure in the ways that we interact with each other and information provided online because it is something new that is brought to the attention of the broader topic internet, it is an upgrade, a way to use message boards, blogs, facebook, myspace and ect. to interact with one another in a different way, because at one point a lot of this did not exist or was not that popular.